
Welcome to the Blog that is All About Medieval Studies, HEMA and Realistic Medieval Fantasy!

My New Years resolution for 2019 is to learn more about Medieval Studies. There's been a theme in my mind over the past few days. I've been stressing myself over remembering all the cool facts I learn about medieval history because there's a difference between learning something and becoming great at something. My dream is to be able to stand behind a lectern and ramble for hours about Medieval Studies all the while getting my audience interested in learning more later on their own time. To do this I can't rely on just reading and storing PDF files on my computer. Einstein still needed his pens and writing materials to do the amazing things he did, but he didn't need the internet nor vast digital databases. In order to become a great historian, I must see using the internet as a weakness. I must be able to rehearse and recite medieval history with no external sources but my own mind and mouth. To do this will take many years of discipline, but I'm up to the chal